View of the exterior of the hostel.

View of the exterior of the hostel.


Information on accessibility

The experience and comfort of our guests is our top priority.

This page has information on accessibility of he property:

  1. Entrance to the property: The facility entrance is located on Belmont Road NW and climbing stairs is required to enter the facility. There is no ramp. There is no lift.

  2. No elevator inside. There are stairs inside: The facility does not have an elevator. Once inside the facility, the use of stairs is required to reach all floors either up or down from the lobby level.

  3. Accessible public restrooms - The facility does not offer any accessible public restrooms.

  4. Accessible rooms - An accessible queen bed private room is available located on the lobby level. The accessible guest room includes wheelchair-accessibility, accessible door locks, accessible door peephole, adequate turning space. The room does not have any in-room communication features. The room has an accessible bathroom within the room which has adequate turning space, a transfer shower with grab bars, seat, and handheld shower nozzles.

Please read our Website Accessibility Statement which describes our efforts to ensure website accessibility and provides contact information for feedback, or to report any accessibility issues. Website Accessibility Statement